Profile PictureMantu Saw

30 Days to $1000 Editor Roadmap

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Not a Course, but a Training

Master Editing, Build a Portfolio, and Make Your First $1,000 in 30 Days

Learning one lesson at a time so you don’t get overwhelmed in the process

If you’re reading this, I shouldn’t need to explain the demand for good video editors in the Creator Economy.

You have a laptop and an internet connection. You’re curious to learn, improve, and edit videos. You don’t need permission to turn this curiosity into a source of income.

Understanding the importance of learning a high-demand skill like video editing instead of wasting your skills on things with no demand is step one.

Step two is seeing if any of these strike a chord with you:

  • You have an interest in video editing but don’t know how to turn it into a profession so people pay you.
  • You’ve tried learning video editing but gave up because it felt too overwhelming to learn on your own (you thought it was as easy as “just watching videos”).
  • You’re worried about your current situation and want to switch to video editing to take control of your future.
  • You’ve edited some videos before but are tired of getting video editing clients. You want them to come to you.
  • You’re already watching a bunch of tutorials but struggle to improve your skills, build a killer portfolio, and consistently land paying clients.
  • You’re sick and tired of doing cold outreach that only helps you get NO’s from your dream clients.

30 Days to $1000 Editor Roadmap will help you with the steps to mastering the art of editing, building a worthy portfolio, and landing clients to make your first $1,000 as an editor.

The Creator Economy has exploded in recent years, only increasing the demand for video editors that most people still don’t see.

Money is crucial, and we spend a lot of time stressing about finding steady work, dealing with disrespectful bosses, and worrying about job security.

You no longer need to:

  • Apply for 100+ jobs to get a client
  • Send thousands of cold emails to land clients
  • Get a 4-year degree from a film school for video editing
  • Waste countless hours watching different tutorials on YouTube

All you need to do is get good at your video editing skills.

Why? Because video editing is saturated.

Saturated with 95% bad and beginner video editors.

Creators are starving for a good video editor who understands the content.

All the content creators, agencies, and media production houses are hunting for good video editors — that’s why you will never see a good video editor applying for job posts or sending a bunch of cold emails (because they are already booked with clients).

If you want to belong to that top 5% of editors, you need to get good at what you do.

How do you get good at your editing skills?

By learning one lesson at a time.

I don’t want to sugarcoat things.

I want to tell you exactly what you will receive without much marketing lingo.

In short, you will learn everything you need to become a video editor that the market demands.

You will have the knowledge and skills necessary to edit quality videos and make your first $1,000 as an editor.

The only reason you wouldn’t see success with the lessons inside is if you forget to put the practice into the modules.

Here’s What You’ll Learn:

  • Mastering the Basics
    Learn and practice one lesson at a time for 30 days to master video editing and avoid the mistakes of average editors.
  • The Art of Social Media Editing
    It’s not what they teach on YouTube. Learn the skills and techniques of social media editing that creators are craving from their editors.
  • A Framework to Edit Videos Faster
    Editing is time-consuming, especially without a clear process. Learn the complete framework to edit videos 2x faster.
  • How to Develop Your Editing Style
    Your editing style sets you apart in the market. Learn how to observe and create the unique style that creators are looking for.
  • How to Build a Real Portfolio
    Adding B-rolls to your portfolio is for beginners. Learn how to build a client-converting portfolio with real client videos—even if you don’t have a single client yet.
  • How to Showcase Your Work
    If no one knows you, who will hire you? Learn how to share your work in ways that bring followers, show expertise, and attract clients.
  • How to Attract Clients Using Twitter
    Outreach can be tough for beginners, and no one wants to hire someone with no proven results. Learn how to build authority on Twitter so clients come to you instead of you having to go to them.
  • How to Make Editing a Sustainable Career
    Freelancing can be unstable unless you learn to retain clients for longer, so you don’t have to constantly search for new ones.

Bonus: Editing Assets

You will get all the assets that I have collected over the last 18 months.

  • Presets
  • Overlays
  • Graphics
  • Sound Effects
  • Animated Backgrounds

So you can kickstart every project with ease.

This alone is worth more than the price.

Bonus: Private Community

Access a private community of like-minded editors where you can:

  • Ask questions, learn from each other, and grow together
  • Share your work and get feedback to improve
  • Make friends and build connections

You already know that having a tribe is priceless.

Bonus: Personal Branding Masterclass

I never got a single client from cold outreach, so how did I get clients?

Through my personal brand on Twitter.

You will learn:

  • How to optimize your profile
  • Tweet templates to get clients
  • How to build authority as a beginner

So you can attract clients instead of reaching out to them.

Knowledge that I only used to share with my tribe.

I know that it can be hard to believe in promises, so here’s some proof:

$1200 Payment for 40 Hours of Work

Yes, it’s possible to get paid well for your editing skills, and I’m going to show you how.

Inbound Leads from Twitter:

One of the biggest tech channels in India (11.9 million subscribers)

These are the kinds of messages you get when you know how to showcase your work and build authority on Twitter.

Praise from editors, clients, and people I’ve helped with my past products:

Their words speak louder than any sales pitch.

Why would I pay when I can learn from YouTube?

Well, I used to think the same, but there’s a problem I found with learning from free materials.

It's all scattered, and as a beginner, the biggest struggle is not knowing what to do with all the information you're learning.

A structured plan not only helps you escape that trap but also gives you the fastest way to kickstart your video editing career.

The Program Structure

You will receive all the lessons and bonuses on the launch day, which is the first of September, along with a community link to join.

And to keep you accountable, you will also receive one email every day, containing the lesson for the day along with resources to practice, so you don't get overwhelmed and can steadily improve.

By The End Of The 30 Days You Will Have

  • Video editing skills better than 95% of the market
  • A worthy portfolio that gets yeses from clients
  • A personal brand on Twitter to attract clients

Now, you might be thinking, what are the chances this will work for me?

"I don't know anything about video editing, and I've never edited for anyone before."

I've been there; I know the struggles.

I started my video editing journey in April 2023.

After struggling for a month to learn editing, I finally found guidance from successful editors.

They guided me every step of the way, and within 14 days, I got my first client.

The next month, I became a full-time editor.

This isn't just a roadmap I created for you—it's the same roadmap I followed to become who I am today.

Take the lessons and complete the assignments over the next 30 days, just as outlined in the program. If you don’t see the results you expect, I’ll refund your money.

Before The 30 Days Video Editing Challenge

  • No portfolio
  • Can’t get clients
  • No idea where to start
  • Stuck in beginner’s hell
  • Struggling to improve skills

After The 30 Days Video Editing Challenge

  • A worthy portfolio to get hired
  • Skills to develop an editing style
  • Experience working with real clients
  • A strong Twitter profile to attract clients
  • Editing skills that creators are looking for

The real question: Do you want to continue putting off the work necessary to build your career and business in video editing?


Do I Need Any Prior Experience?

  • No, you don’t need any prior experience. This program is designed specifically for beginners who want to build a career in video editing. Everyone starts with zero experience.

What If I’m Not Good at Editing?

  • That’s exactly why this program exists. Everyone starts out with little to no skill. Many people believe they need to be naturally creative, have a film background, or hold a college degree. These are just excuses that distract you from your ability to improve. Editing is a skill you develop through practice, and you’ll get better as you go.

How Long Will It Take to Start Seeing Results?

  • Results can vary from person to person. However, if you follow the lessons and consistently practice, you should see significant progress within 30 days. By the end of the program, you’ll have developed the skills, built a portfolio, and established an online presence to succeed as an editor.

Is This a Self-Paced Course, Community, or Challenge?

  • It’s a mix of all three. Each day, you'll receive new material and resources to study and practice. You’ll submit your work to the community for feedback and be part of a 30-day email sequence to keep you accountable and maintain your momentum.

Do I Lose Access After the 30 Days?

  • No, you will have lifetime access to all the lessons and materials.

Can I Ask You Questions?

  • Absolutely! I’m always available to chat and respond to direct messages on Twitter (X).
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30 Days to $1000 Editor Roadmap

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